Headteacher Message! -
Good Morning Parents/Carers.
I hope that you had a fun, yet restful, weekend.
We have had another activity-packed fortnight. We all enjoyed the sports days and picnics that took place last week. It was lovely to hear the children congratulating one another and showing true sportspersonship - a huge well done to all everyone took part! I really cannot thank the staff enough for all their hard work and the amazing team of year 6 children who helped the reception, year 1 and 2 children. Thank you to everyone who came to support and cheer the children. It was wonderful to see the community together on the field. Mrs Williams is busy totting up the scores and later this week we will find out which house has triumphed.
It has been a pleasure (albeit a lot of late nights) for the leadership team to read the end of year reports, written by the teachers about your child. You will receive your child’s report by Friday 5th July. Please share your child’s report with them so that they understand what they’ve done well and what they need to do as next steps for improvement. This is being followed by a whole school VIP event as the children are very keen to share their learning, from this academic year, with you.
Year 6 are busy rehearsing their show, Aladin, which they are looking forward to performing next week. The dress rehearsals have been fabulous – what a talented group of children!
Today, Mrs Winstanley-Fisher and some of the gardening club are sharing their bug barrel with visitors to Hampton Court Garden Festival. Jack B (year 1) submitted the winning bug barrel design. If you are at the festival, please do go and say 'Hello' to the Ashley team.
Have a lovely week.
Kind Regards
Mrs Ratcliff
Moving Up Morning -
We know that at this time of year, children can feel a mixture of excitement and worry about who will be their teacher next year so we try to take all the summer emotion away by spending time together before the holidays. As part of our transition process, we will hold our 'move-up' morning on Tuesday 2nd July. On this date, a large number of our current Year 6 pupils will spend the day at their new secondary schools.
On Tuesday, the children need to be dropped off at their current classroom. Their current teacher will then tell the children who their new teacher will be and which classroom they will be in from September. They will spend the morning together getting to know each other and completing a range of activities.
12th of July Celebration -
We are excited to invite all families to a whole school VIP Event on Friday 12th July for our summer celebration event. Your children's books will be on display in their classrooms and you will be able to visit with your children from 3.20 until 3.45 to see the progress they have made throughout the year. We look forward to seeing you then!
Afternoon Tea for School Volunteers -
We are so grateful to all those who come in to school to help with swimming, reading, clubs, gardening, changing books, going on trips etc. Your help is invaluable.
We would like to say thank you by inviting you to join us for tea and biscuits in The Hive at 2:30pm on Wednesday 17th July. Please email parents@ashley.surrey.sch.uk to let us know if you are coming.
After School Club Newsletter-
The Past Fortnight-
Sports Day -
Well done to all who participated in both KS1 and KS2 Sports Days, despite the heat, all the children gave each activity 100% effort, showing true Ashley values. Results will be announced at the special assembly next week. As always, many thanks parents and carers for all your support and loud cheering!
- Miss Williams
Over the past two weeks, Year 5 have been reading the great Greek epic The Odyssey and learning about the trials and tribulations of one of Ancient Greece's unlikely heroes. They have been writing incredible balanced arguments focusing on adverbials for cohesion and also formal language, deciding whether Odysseus was a hero or not? They have been spending their Friday, getting into the election-spirit by debating!
- Mrs Athersuch.
Y4 -
This half term in science, Year 4 are undertaking a world caretaker project. Our focus is about caterpillars, butterflies and moths and why they are important to the natural world. We've looked at their habitats and understood what effect human impact has on their environment as well as looking at the food chain and how when one part of the food chain is affected, how this can impact the rest. Following on from this learning, Year 4 drew on their art skills and completed half of a butterfly, using any media they wanted to. We looked at proportion and how the wings of a butterfly are completely symmetrical - a link to maths learning as well!
-Mrs Ready
Y3 -
Year 3 had a really enjoyable day on Friday, learning about the Romans. They learnt to follow instructions in Latin to march like a Roman Soldier, handled artefacts and experienced what it was like for Roman children to write on a wax tablet, this too in Latin!
- Mrs Nawaz
Y2 -
Last week, year 2 have planted seeds with Mrs Winstanley Fisher which they will harvest in year 3 for soup making.
- Mrs Van Der Schaff
Y1 -
In Year 1 we have been learning about birds! This week the children have been investigating the best way to make a nest to keep an egg safe using natural materials. One nest even found its way into a classroom and had a new owner in the morning! We have been reading Croc and Bird in English and the children are wondering what will hatch out of the eggs!
- Mrs Rayner
This week Year 1 received some VERY exciting mail - a letter from the King's Royal Correspondence! Back in the Spring Term we visited Windsor Castle, and whilst we were there, we posted copies of the fact files that we had written about the King. We were so excited to receive a letter from his team this week acknowledging our amazing work!
-Mrs Luxford
Faith Group-
Eid Mubarak - On 16th and 17th June some Ashley families celebrated Eid ul Adha. To recognise this, Faith Group had the opportunity to design henna patterns and have their design’s drawn on to their hands with henna. A big thank you to Mrs Choudhury who kindly volunteered to help out. Her skills were admired by all!
-Mrs Nawaz
This week we had a pop-up prayer space for children to reflect on what peace means to them. They wrote their thoughts in doves.
-Mrs Nawaz
Garden News -
Ashley KS2 World Caretaker children volunteered their time this week at a new community garden at St John’s Estate in Walton. Along with other local schools and groups, they are going to regularly give their time to help develop the site. The plan is to open for all local residents to use from around the middle of August. This week they spent the afternoon clearing weeds and planting some seeds - beans, peas, beetroot and dill to name a few! After watering in on what has turned out to be the hottest week this year, they returned tired but glad to have helped make a difference.
-Mrs Winstanley Fisher
Year 2 were outside last week, building on their learning from Spring term around 'seeds'. The children looked at identifying different types of seeds, from the bulbs they planted in Autumn and transplanted in Spring, to tubers, corms, rhizomes and the features of each. They then helped to plant potato tubers - digging the trench and ensuring the 'eyes (shoots) are to the skies' before covering and watering. The children transplant some other crops such as Bangladeshi Cucumbers grown from seed given to us by Miss Ali.
-Mrs Winstanley Fisher
Polite Reminders -
- OUR VALUES - At Ashley we teach the children to communicate their feelings and opinions in a respectful way. As staff we also place a lot of importance on modelling this to the children and living in accordance with the values of our school: Care, Challenge, Explore. We try and teach our pupils that life has its ups and downs and learning strategies to deal with this is equally important. We recognise that as parents you may sometimes have queries and frustrations. In accordance with our values please can we ask that all parents communicate with our staff in a respectful manner, and we will always aim to do the same. All our staff are here with your children's best interests at heart, and we are more than happy to talk through any queries you have. All our staff reserve the right to postpone a conversation if it is not being conducted in a respectful manner. Thank you for support in this and for ensuring we model this tone to your children.
- PLAYTIME SNACKS - In the juniors, playtime snacks should be a piece of fruit or vegetable. This helps to reduce our packaging waste and contributes to the children's 5 a day. Pots of chopped up fruit or vegetable sticks are ideal (not fruit winders). Infants still continue receive their free fruit or vegetable daily. The NHS Change4Life website has some great ideas for inspiration for a healthy packed lunch. Please click on the link to find out more: https://www.nhs.uk/change4life/recipes/healthier-lunchboxes
As we are a nut, kiwi fruit and sesame free school, please do not bring in any products containing these ingredients .
- ARBOR APP - Please can we remind all parents to log in and review all your child’s details to ensure we have the correct contact information on file such as correct mobile numbers and emergency contact details. If you have changed address or telephone numbers recently, please ensure that you amend these details via the app as soon as possible. Also, we ask that you also review the parental consents for your child. If you have any questions regarding the consents or use of the app, please email us at parents@ashley.surrey.sch.uk
- PARKING - Please can we take this opportunity to remind you to be considerate of our neighbours and the local community when parking to access the school site at the start and end of the school day. For the safety of all of our children, please can we also request that you do not stop on the busy main road directly outside of the school to drop your children off.
Uniform Sale-
Exhibition at Riverhouse Barn-
From Wednesday 10th to Sunday 14th July, We will be exhibiting projects from our Design & Technology and Art & Design curricula in the Robert Phillips Gallery at the Riverhouse Barn! The gallery is open from 10-4pm each day, there is no need to book and there is no admission fee. Further information can be found here:
We are very grateful to the Riverhouse Barn for dedicating this space to showcase the creativity of the children at our school.
- Miss Frost
Drum Lessons -
Drum tutor, Paul Francis Bucknor who currently teaches drums at Ashley School on Wednesday’s, hosted an assembly this week. He will be teaching a free trial lesson on Friday 12th July 2024 during the school day. To schedule in a lesson please email surreyartsmusic@surreycc.gov.uk with your child’s School, Name and Year/Form to book a slot and also mention the free trial lesson - See flyer for further details. As there has been a lot of interest this will be on a first come, first serve basis but if you are unable to book a free slot in July you can still book lessons for next term.
ashley school drum lessons.pdf
Be Your Best -
Be Your Best is all about helping your family to better health by supporting them to eat better, move more, and improve general well-being. If you have a child or teenager aged 5-17 who weigh a bit more than they should, they can help you:
- eat healthily on a budget
- plan meals – even for fussy eaters
- find ways to be more active
- start swapping unhealthy habits for good ones
They offer one to one consultations with health and wellbeing coaches and exclusive online workshops for the whole family.
To find out more, click here
Raring2go -
The summer edition of Raring2go! Esher and Weybridge has loads of ideas / activities for families. This edition has a lovely page on graphic novels for children, opening up a different route to encouraging reading, a feature on why swimming lessons are important, and several discounts to help families save some money at this challenging time The link is here: https://magazines.raring2go.co.uk/esherandweybridge/summer2024/
Well Done!
Oscar (Y4) completed his first triathlon and came 6th place in his age group of U9's Well done Oscar, such a great sporting achievment.
At the crack of dawn on Sunday 16 June, Archie, Austin and Ollie (Y5)took part in their first triathlon. From the moment they jumped into the pool they showed great determination and enthusiasm. They took the transition from swim to bike in their stride and hit the road. The sun continued to shine for their run and they all crossed the finish gaining Ashley valuable points. Well done boys.
Well done to Jasper F (Y3) who's artwork was elected to be physically shown at Royal Academy Young Artist Summer Show in London. It was a piece created during an art class run via School Art club by Mrs Margarita.
Bertie (5) went up to Telford International Centre last weekend to compete in the last qualification event and we are delighted that he has qualified for the FIG British Tumbling Championships which will take place in October. Well Done Bertie.